How Does a Home’s Foundation Affect Air Leakage?

How Does a Home’s Foundation Affect Air Leakage?

Your home is only as reliable as the foundation it’s on. Water damage, shifting soil, and poor construction can all play a role in the long-term degradation of your property.

One of the biggest threats to your home’s foundation is improper seals allowing air to escape. But how does a home’s foundation affect air leakage?

Uneven Floors

The floors of a home play an essential role in separating the home from the surrounding elements. Sloping or uneven floors can be a problem, especially in older homes. If the floor becomes uneven, it could introduce a host of issues that make it harder for the house to hold air.

Air leakage can occur if the foundations become too misaligned with the rest of the home. If the doors and windows don’t form a proper seal, it can lead to drafts and moisture getting into the space and reducing the comfort level of residents.

Poor HVAC Performance

Another major issue associated with air leakage is poor HVAC performance. A home’s heating and cooling system should be as efficient as possible. However, if there are places where the air is leaking out, the unit will have to work harder to keep the temperature steady.

Other problems associated with poor foundations are electrical hazards, roof leaks, and broken ductwork. While these may not be immediate problems, they can cause lasting issues if left unchecked. You can find a duct leakage test company in Saco, Maine, to examine the problem and make necessary adjustments.

Damage to Walls and Siding

Misaligned windows, doors, and broken ductwork can be a huge problem for homeowners. Unfortunately, the issues associated with air leakage due to a poor foundation don’t stop there. Your home’s essential components could become damaged if you don’t resolve the problem.

Cracks in your walls and siding could appear if your foundation has gone bad. This situation can result in reduced efficiencies because the home has trouble keeping in air. If your siding has cracked or buckled, you may want to ensure there are no serious structural problems in your home’s foundation.

Ensure Your Home Is Safe and Comfortable

A strong foundation makes it easier to maintain good airflow throughout your home. However, if it starts to degrade, you could see lower efficiency and higher energy bills.

Knowing how a home’s foundation affects air leakage will ensure you and its occupants are safe and comfortable throughout the year.


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