5 Signs You Need a Home Air Sealing Service

5 Signs You Need a Home Air Sealing Service

Over time, houses will deteriorate and break down, and it’s up to the homeowner to maintain them and keep them functioning properly. One of the first things that you might notice with the internal structure of the house is that the seals break down. These issues may occur in any doorways or windows that are in the home. The roof is also another area where things may not be sealed properly. Here are five signs you need a home air sealing service.

Drafts Throughout the House

You might notice that it gets breezy in certain areas of your house after a few years. This is to be expected to some degree, but significant drafts are not normal. When something like this occurs, chances are you have problems with a seal near a window or a door. Once you identify the broken seal, you can fix it.

Irregular Temperatures Day and Night

Another problem presented by bad seals is irregular conditions inside the home in which the temperature doesn’t remain static and instead fluctuates day and night. This is a prime indicator that your home is not sealed properly. If you can’t discover the issue yourself, you might have to call a professional to conduct an air leakage test on your home. Typically, HVAC technicians provide this service for a nominal fee. The service will provide you with peace of mind and the knowledge that you need to remedy the issue.

Increasing Utility Bills

One huge red flag is an uptick in your utility bills. If you can’t seem to get a handle on your utilities and the temperatures in your home are inconsistent, it is definitely time to call a professional. Don’t wait around for things to get worse because, chances are, they will with every changing season. It’s best to get these issues checked immediately if you’re having reoccurring problems with indoor temperatures.

Mold and Mildew in the House

If you discover mold and mildew around the doors and windows in your home, you need to act fast and get it out of your home as soon as possible. Certain types of mold can be very dangerous to have in your home and even more dangerous if they become airborne and are inhaled. If you keep your eyes peeled for the first signs of mold growth, you can eradicate them immediately and call a home air sealing service to seal your home, preventing further mold growth in the future.

Leaks in the Attic

One problem you may not foresee is leakage through your roof. Remedying this issue will require that you go upstairs and inspect your roof. This should be done no less than once a month to maintain a tight eye on things. If you have leaks coming in through your roof, you will need to call a professional to fix them immediately.

These are the five signs you need a home air sealing service; calling in these professionals will help you get ahead of problems before they occur. Don’t let these issues get out of control if you want to keep your house in order.


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